Swatches of mixed colours can be made from lots of things. These are created from Distressed Ink Pads rubbed on the mat and water sprayed to mix and the watercolour paper dabbed into it. Technique seen on Tim Holtz Live and YouTube.

To make them more individual I thought I’d add stencilling to some of the swatches even in some cases metallic paints.

These have been used for numerous things, tags, die cuts and backgrounds for journalling cards. 


inked Swatches
Backgounds, crafts, mix
blue-&-Pink, swatch, ink ,crafts
Backgounds, crafts, mix
Stencilled Swatches
Backgounds, crafts, mix
Backgounds, crafts, mix
Backgounds, crafts, mix
MIXED Swatches
Backgounds, crafts, mix
Backgounds, crafts, mix
Backgounds, crafts, mix